PLEASE NOTE: The Mark Rolton Property 3-Day Bootcamp is Live-in-person only and WILL NOT BE LIVE STREAMED
Mark Rolton Live In-Person 3-Day Bootcamp is now open for registration.
Here are the dates and venue.

5 – 7 May 2023

QT Gold Coast

Friday 5 May 2023  10:00am – 6:00pm (Local QLD Time)

Saturday 6 May 2023 2022  9:00am – 6:00pm (Local QLD Time)

Sunday 7 May 2023  8:00am – 6:00pm (Local QLD Time)

Please note: All members are eligible to attend this live in-person bootcamp on the Gold Coast, regardless whether you’ve re-attended previous bootcamps back in the day.

How to secure and confirm your FREE seat.

Here’s the deal. 

It’s free to attend and all you have to do is pay a tiny $100 FULLY REFUNDABLE fee.  

This is just to make sure that we know that when you say you’re going to attend, you will attend and will stop those who say yes and don’t show up, take up seats for no good reason.  

Once you attend the event, we will be refunding your $100 back.  

If you pay the fee and do not attend, you of course forfeit that refund.  

Go ahead now and click the link below to secure your seat.  

It’s a Property Buyers Wonderland Out There.

Yes, that’s right.

Property sellers are nervous, very, very nervous.

And that makes it a perfect storm for people like you and me.

It’s a buyers paradise out there.

The cards are all in our favour.

We can all crush it in this market.

It wasn’t long ago that the sellers were dominating and people were paying way over the odds to purchase property.

And within 6 months, 4 interest rate rises, inflation at 7%, the sellers are on their knees, and the buyers are back in control.

Great times ahead if you know what you’re doing.

Next MRP 3-Day Event is Where Lots of New Millionaires Will be Made.

I have a bold prediction that those that attend the live event, connect with myself and my team at a deeper level, plus network and mingle with fellow students, will be the breeding ground and the launch pad for the next crop of millionaires.

Networking Is Back and it Feels Good.

The great thing about live in-person events is the networking opportunity that it provides to all members.

You just never know who you’re gonna meet at an event and what you can learn from just a random casual discussion at the breaks over a cup of coffee.

New friendships will be forged that potentially will be friends for life.

New partnerships will flourish that could lead to more prosperous times ahead.

The bottom line is, live in-person events are not only fun and exciting to be at, but the opportunities to take the education one step further can be exponential.

Meet the Team Face to Face.

You’ll also get an opportunity to have deep and meaningful one-on-one conversations with all our in-house coaches, trainers, and support staff.

All the team is a treasure trove of information and knowledge.

They will all be on the ground at the venue where you can have exclusive access to their time and knowledge.

Mingle and Connect with the famous Next Level Millionaire Success Stories

I am inviting some of our most successful students to be live and present for the full three days.

You’ll have the opportunity to pick their brains, ask them how they got started and find out what they are doing in the market place right now.

How Rav Went From A Painful Divorce And On The Verge Of Bankruptcy, To Over $9,600,000 In Options And Development Profits…

From $160K In The Red And A Business In Receivership To Around $900,000 With Short And Long Options…

Can I Register My Partner/Spouse for the Event?

Here’s the deal, if you’ve paid in full you can bring two extra people with you to the live bootcamp, but they will need to be your partner, spouse or a family member.

To do this, register yourself for the event and then send an email to our team at that you would like to bring a partner along to the event.

We will check our records and make sure that everything is kosher.

If it is, once they’ve paid the small refundable fee of $100, they will also be entitled to attend the event.

Stay at the Luxurious and Very Cool QT Gold Coast.

Once you’ve booked your seat, the next thing to do is book your accommodation.

I strongly suggest you stay at the venue. It makes it so much easier for you, and it’s a far better experience all around.

We’ve put the hard word on the venue to give you a great deal.

To access your special rates please visit

  1. Select QT Gold Coast, enter your dates from 01/05/2023 – 11/05/2023 and number of people and click ‘GO
  2. Click ‘I have a code’
  3. In the ‘Block Code’ field enter your booking code: MRPBC23
  4. Click ‘UPDATE’
  5. Your special rates will appear on the rates screen
What if You Can’t Attend Live In-Person? Will There be an Online Stream?

No. We are not live streaming this event.

The live experience is significantly different to sitting at home by yourself, watching an event online on your desktop or laptop.

I’m encouraging you to do whatever you can and get to the Gold Coast on the 5 – 7 May for the best possible experience you can possibly have. 

Secure Your FREE Live In-Person Ticket Now.

All you have to do is pay a small $100 fully refundable fee, and you’re in. 

You’re one of the lucky 200 members who will be able to experience the Mark Rolton Property Bootcamp the way it was originally designed.  

Go ahead and secure your spot today.  

If you have any further questions or queries, please email the team at and I look forward to seeing many of you on the Goldy in May.

Keep Charging,

Mark Rolton

Coordinated by Knowledge Source PO Box 1383 Collingwood VIC 3066  Ph: (03) 9490 8888 Email:

MY GOAL is to educate you so YOU CAN AVOID the traps uneducated investors fall into and take advantage of the boom ahead without anxiety or fear. At the end of the webcast, if you feel that I am a worthy mentor and coach I will offer a range of my educational services to assist you on your real estate journey. The choice to expand your real estate knowledge further with these optional services will always be yours.

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